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Utilization of Cardiotocography for OBTS Patients

Contributor: Shelley Chapman, MD 
Last Update: 5/17/2018

Cardiotocography need only be applied to patients who meet BOTH of the following criteria:

Gestational age = 23 weeks
A valid indication for fetal assessment (the following are a few examples, but are not all-inclusive):

  • Suspected labor
  • Suspected Hypertension / Preeclampsia
  • Vaginal Bleeding
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Decreased Fetal Movement 
  • Motor Vehicle Collision / Trauma
  • Sepsis
  • Suspected DKA
  • Asthma/respiratory compromise

**If the patient does not meet indications for fetal surveillance, the nurse need only confirm fetal viability and calculate heart rate via handheld external doppler. 

Following completion of the patient evaluation, if an NST was indicated and  performed, the resident will complete and print the NST flow sheet and clinical note of the current visit from the QS system. Following completion of the patient evaluation, if a NST was indicated and performed, the resident will complete the NST documentation box in EPIC and send to the attending physician.