PGY1 Pharmacy Residency (Ambulatory Care) Greenville - Residents
Dr. Julia Mesawich is from Glen Cove (Long Island!), New York. She received her bachelor's in biology from William and Mary in Williamsburg, VA and her PharmD from the University of North Carolina, where she did one year in Chapel Hill, NC and three years in Asheville, NC. Her clinical area of interest is ambulatory care, with specific interests in geriatrics and primary care. She also really enjoys community pharmacy and working with pharmacy students. Upon completion of her PGY-1, she plans to either pursue a PGY-2 in geriatrics or employment in the ambulatory care environment. Outside of pharmacy, you can find her paddle boarding, exploring local restaurants, and doing karaoke.
Dr. Cassie Twisdale is from Prince George, Virginia. She received her bachelor’s degree in Biochemistry from Washington and Lee University. At the University of North Carolina, she received her Doctor of Pharmacy and a graduate certificate for the completion of the Ambulatory Care Scholars program. Upon completion of her PGY1 residency, Dr. Twisdale plans to pursue employment within the primary care setting and achieve board certification. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her husband and going on scenic walks with their two dogs, Waggles and Pumpkin.