PGY1/PGY2 Health-System Pharmacy Administration and Leadership Residency Greenville - Learning Experiences
Prisma Health–Upstate
The PGY-1/PGY-2 Health-System Pharmacy Administration and Leadership Residency is a 24-month program of training and experience based on the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) standards. The program is customized for each resident based on goals, interests and experiences.
PGY2 Core rotational experiences
- Ambulatory Strategy and Leadership
- Clinical Pharmacy Administration
- Enterprise Finance
- Executive Pharmacy Leadership
- Oncology and Ambulatory Infusion
- Operations II
- Orientation
- Pharmacy Informatics
- Research
PGY2 ELECTIVE rotational experiences
- 340B Program Management and Compliance
- Ambulatory Strategy and Leadership
- Clinical Pharmacy Administration
- Community Hospital Administration
- Drug Information
- Enterprise Finance
- Executive Pharmacy Leadership
- Human Resource Management
- Investigational Drug Services
- Medication Shortage Management and Supply Chain
- Oncology and Ambulatory Infusion
- Operations II
- Pharmacy Informatics
- Specialty Pharmacy Leadership
- Others based on resident interest, including repeating a previous rotation but with a different emphasis.
Longitudinal experiences
All longitudinal rotations are 48 weeks in length each
- Medication Use Evaluation (MUE)
- Human Resource Management
- Budgeting/Finance
- Research Project (to be presented at the Southeastern Residency Conference - SERC)
- Staffing – every 3 weekends
- Administrative On-Call Backup – every 6 weeks (aligned with PGY1 schedule), remote 24h/7d coverage.
- Leadership and Practice Management
- Teaching Certificate Program (Optional)
Other requirements
- Must have South Carolina pharmacist’s license by Aug. 1
- Major project: MYCM posters, SERC presentations (both PGY1 and PGY2 years)
- Precept pharmacy students
- MUE completed and presented (PGY1 year)
PGY1 Core clinical rotational experiences
- Adult general acute care (internal medicine, family medicine, hospitalists)
- Adult critical care (neurology, cardiology, surgery, medicine/coronary care)
- Ambulatory care/transitions of care (anticoagulation, diabetes, outpatient family medicine)
- Infectious diseases (ID consult service or stewardship)
- Pediatrics (hematology/oncology, PICU, or NICU)
- Medication safety/medication use
- Preceptorship rotation
PGY1 Core administration rotational experiences
- Clinical Management
- Inpatient Operations I
- Human Resources
- Medication Use/Safety
ELECTIVE clinical rotational experiences
- Academia / Ambulatory Care
- Adult Oncology – BMT
- Adult Hematologic Malignancies
- Cardiology
- Internal Medicine – Family Medicine
- Internal Medicine – Hospitalists Service
- Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
- Practice Management
- Psychiatry
- Emergency Medicine
- Solid Organ Transplant
Longitudinal experiences
- Medication Use Evaluation (MUE)
- On-Call/Clinical Pharmacokinetic Service
- Practice Management
- Research Project (to be presented at the Southeastern Residency Conference [SERC] and poster at Midyear)
- Teaching Certificate Program