Instructors, Staff and Scholars
As a part of onboarding, each instructor, staff and scholar must go through Prisma Health clearance. This ensures the safety of everyone at our academic health center.
Each instructor, staff, and scholar is placed into a specific category based upon the type of work that will be completed and whether or not contact with patients will be a part of each role. These role names are necessary to complete the request for onboarding form, so please take note of the different types.
Nursing & Nursing Related Clinical Instructor
- Instructor or staff from one of the following programs: nursing, surgical technology, LPN, sterile processing, PCT
- Responsible for either a clinical rotation or rounding on assigned students
Clinical Instructor (non-nursing)
- Instructor or staff from a non-nursing or non-nursing-related program
- Will accompany students on rotation
On-site Instructor/Staff/Scholar
- An employee of a college/university/organization who will work, teach and/or conduct research on Prisma Health property
Virtual Scholar
- Will conduct research from an off-site location only
Request for Clearance
To initiate Instructor, Staff or Scholar onboarding, please complete the Request for Clearance form.