Infectious Disease Greenville - Fellows

Medical Education: University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Residency: Med-Peds, Prisma Health University of South Carolina School Of Medicine, Greenville, South Carolina
My experience as a fellow: Being in a small fellowship program is a unique experience. For me it has meant being well-known and intentionally mentored by many of my attendings. It has meant that there has been room for individualization in my fellowship experience. Following fellowship, I plan to pursue a career in global health. During my second year of fellowship I will travel to complete a Tropical Medicine certification course in Lima, Peru. I felt this experience was important in order to round out my training before practicing abroad. I have appreciated not only that my program has been open to requests to individualize my educational experience, but that I have been encouraged to consider how to structure my fellowship experience to best meet my needs as a learner. Our fellows rotate through a three-month cycle of inpatient, outpatient, and research/elective experiences. This cycling between more intensive and less structured months allows for more life outside of training than I felt was possible during my residency training. During inpatient months the fellow is a part of a teaching team with other learners, including residents, medical students, and pharmacy students. The inpatient teaching team has a cap that allows for all of these learners to focus on getting to know our patients and their infectious conditions rather than being overwhelmed by a sheer volume of patients. In this way and many others our fellows are allowed a protected space to teach and learn. In the same way our monthly rotations cycle through different settings our outpatient months are also more diverse than my outpatient months of residency training. Each week in an outpatient block I spend time in continuity clinic, a Wound Care clinic, a Travel Medicine clinic providing guidance to upcoming travelers, an HIV clinic, and providing Telemedicine consultations. I appreciate the variety of these weeks and feel it has made my outpatient experience much richer during fellowship.
My experience in fellowship cannot be discussed without mentioning how much richer it has been for being located in Greenville. I moved to Greenville from Kentucky for residency and quickly fell in love with the area. The city is very much alive and is a life-giving place to be. As someone who loves spending time outdoors I am very thankful for a beautiful, paved walking/biking path that runs through the city (the Swamp Rabbit Trail) as well as many hiking trails and lakes nearby. The city is full of other young families and our family has found it easy to build deep community that has carried us through my training here. Our family now considers Greenville to be our home and I would encourage anyone considering this program to take a trip to the city and see how wonderful it is for themselves.
My career goals are: After completing fellowship I plan to partner with an organization that serves to mobilize medical providers and live and work abroad for most of my career. There is not a specific location where I plan to practice, but am open to working many different places. I completed an Internal Medicine-Pediatrics residency program and took both my Internal Medicine and Pediatrics boards this year. I hope to have both adult and pediatric patients in my future practice. While I would be delighted to practice only Infectious Disease in the future, I am also open to practicing more general internal medicine. Our Infectious Disease attendings here also attend on the general inpatient Medical Teaching Service with the residents and medical students and remain up to date in their general internal medicine knowledge. I appreciate even within my subspeciality training being surrounded by individuals that continue to serve and think as internists.

Medical School: Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Residency: Internal Medicine, North Georgia Medical Center Program
My Career goals are: First to get the most out of fellowship to become an expert in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of infectious diseases. While here, I want to excel in collaborating with interdisciplinary teams to improve outcomes in complicated patient pathologies. As I finish fellowship I aspire to practice in Greenville as an infectious disease physician and play a key role in educating medical students, residents, and other healthcare professionals. I would like to work in Graduate Medical Education and bring my interest of infectious disease to the next generation of medical professionals.