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Sports Medicine Fellowship (Primary Care) Columbia - How to Apply

Application information

We know you have a choice where to continue your medical education and are glad you are considering joining our team here in South Carolina. We are committed to the growth and success of our fellows and will provide mentorship throughout your fellowship year and beyond.

Two fellows are accepted annually into our 12-month-long accredited fellowship program. Physicians who are on schedule to satisfactorily complete an ACGME-accredited residency in family medicine, internal medicine, emergency medicine or pediatrics are eligible to apply.

Our fellowship participates in the NRMP match:

The annual deadline for applications is September 1.


We are unable to offer visiting student or resident rotations to individuals outside of the Prisma Health Family Medicine Department at this time.

For more information, contact:

Ashlyn Whitehead
Program Administrator, Sports Medicine Fellowship
Department of Family and Preventive Medicine
3209 Colonial Dr.
Columbia, SC 29203
Phone: 803-434-2419