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Prisma Health Spiritual Care and Education - Program Details

The CPE Program is designed to provide exposure to a diverse patient population in major Level One Trauma centers while being supported by a network of educators, staff chaplains and administrative staff. The clinical work is supervised by an ACPE Certified Educator, using the Clinical Method of Learning. The educational component is structured in small groups and individual sessions. In these settings, clinical cases are shared and discussed utilizing the action/reflection/action format. The use of written accounts of the visits (verbatims) is a key tool in this type of reflective education.

The small groups also provide opportunities to develop skills in groups dynamics, communication and relationships. Faculty and Adjunct faculty provide didactic presentations on various subjects related to spiritual care.

In addition, the CEC program provides opportunities for candidates to co-lead educational groups while growing in understanding the theoretical base for their work.

Program features

CPE students are assigned specific clinical areas in the hospital while also participating in the spiritual care on call schedule. Chaplain residents, supervisory residents and interns devote one day of their week to education, while the rest of their time provides opportunities to work in the clinic.

Extended students devote one day a week to on site or virtual education while completing clinical work in their own ministry setting, supplemented by participation in the on-call schedule.

The Spiritual Care and Education Department maintains the Ethics Committees for Prisma Health, and students have opportunities for exposure to ethics consults. The SCED also participates in the research initiatives of both Prisma Health and ACPE. Students have the opportunity to learn about and participate in research related to spiritual care.

Chaplain residents and supervisory residents receive a stipend and benefits through Prisma Health.

Spiritual Care and Education at Prisma Health has two CPE programs:

Prisma Health GMH

Prisma Health Richland


The curriculum for extended students and interns is designed to facilitate a unit of CPE at the appropriate level of CPE for each unique student, Level 1A, Level 2A, Level 1B, or Level 2B. The individual instructor will design a syllabus to meet the ACPE outcomes and indicators for the unit.

The curriculum for chaplain residents covers four units of CPE at the appropriate level of CPE for each unique student: Level 1A, Level 2A, Level 1B and Level 2B. Individual instructors provide a syllabus for each unit which is designed to meet the ACPE outcomes and indicators for the unit. 

The curriculum for certified educator candidates is designed to progress students through admission as a Certified Educator Candidate, Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the certification tract. The curriculum covers four years of work with a syllabus designed to help students meet the competencies as an ACPE Certified Educator.

ACPE Program Information

ACPE Outcomes and Indicators

ACPE Certified Educator Manual