Internal Medicine-Pediatrics Residency Greenville - Curriculum
The curriculum of our Med-Peds program is designed to give our residents a broad exposure to primary and specialty care for adults and children in a variety of settings. Our residents rotate between medicine and pediatrics every three months throughout the four years of residency, with a gradual increase in the level of responsibility over the four years.
Our residents function at the PGY-1 level for 12 months and then assume supervisory roles in both medicine and pediatrics after completing upper-level critical care experiences.
Each academic year is broken down into 13 four-week blocks.
Yearly Curriculum
Our PGY-1 year is designed to expose our Med-Peds residents to the basic inpatient and ambulatory experiences that they will be building on during their residencies.
Our interns will rotate through the inpatient wards, emergencies rooms and clinics on both the internal medicine and pediatric sides as well as the newborn nursery and NICU.
Unique Features
- An early and timely categorical switch: Our interns will switch between Internal Medicine and Pediatric specialties immediately after period one so as to get early exposure in both disciplines, buffering the often-stressful categorical side switch later in the year. They bond with their categorical interns, residents and attendings and learn the clear logistical differences on each side. After this early categorical switch, residents then switch categorical sides every three months
- Med-Peds ambulatory month: Community and Transitional Med-Peds (CTMP): At least four Ambulatory rotations (in our 13-block schedule): This is welcome change of pace from many other Med-Peds programs with 10 or more inpatient months during the first year. (It can vary between four and five ambulatory rotations due to our odd number of blocks)
- More Adult ICU experience due to open intensive care unit in internal medicine: Our Medicine Teaching Service ward teams often care for patients in the critical care unit in addition to the general medical floor patients. The open ICU policy affords our residents more opportunities to manage more severely ill patients as well as more procedural opportunities.
- One year internship: Once our residents have completed the PGY-1 year they are upper-level residents on par with their categorical colleagues on Jul. 1 of the PGY-2 year.
Required Rotations
Med-Peds Ambulatory Rotation
The Med-Peds Ambulatory rotation also known as the Community and Transitional Med-Peds (CTMP) rotation will provide our incoming interns the opportunity to meet and work with Med-Peds practitioners in a variety of settings in the Greenville community. The goals of this rotation are to:
- Enable our residents to experience the care of adults and children together in a variety of acute, primary and specialty care settings
- Learn about the effective transition of care from pediatric to adult settings
- Meet potential mentors and role models in Med-Peds
This rotation incorporates experiences with Med-Peds faculty at three different Med-Peds practices in our community, urgent care with our MD360 program and subspecialty Med-Peds experiences. In addition, month-long electives at any of these practices are available for our upper-level residents interested in primary care Med-Peds.
Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
During this rotation, our residents work directly with our Pediatric Hematology/Oncology physicians to see patients in the pediatric hematology/oncology clinic, as well as help with inpatient services and consults. The experience accrued during this rotation help our interns during their PGY-2 hematology/oncology nights rotation.
Pediatric Wards
While on the pediatric wards, interns generally care for 10 patients with a supervising upper-level resident. They will see a diverse array of inpatient pediatric pathology from the more common, bread-and-butter cases (asthma exacerbation, acute gastroenteritis) as well as having exposure to the diagnosis and treatment of more rare diseases, especially considering proximity to the Greenwood Genetic center.
Interns will also help cover the Newborn Nursery overnight. They do not attend high-risk deliveries, as this is the role of the NICU resident. They also will help with “Mommy call,” a phone triage service from the Pediatric ambulatory clinic, answering more difficult questions that the triage nurses cannot answer.
Ambulatory Pediatric Clinic
Interns will work at the Center for Pediatric Medicine (CPM) and Rapid Access Pediatrics (RAP) during their pediatric clinic month, both located directly across the street from the main Greenville Memorial Hospital. They will see children for both well-child visits and for acute illnesses.
- An intern will see 10-14 patients each day.
- Required to see patients in our night clinic at the RAP clinic three to four times each rotation (6 p.m. – approximately 8 p.m.).
- Assist with “Mommy call,” a phone triage service from the Pediatric ambulatory clinic
- Interns and residents will take advantage of the clinic’s amazing patient-care resources:
- Numerous interpreters
- Social workers
- Lactation consultants
- Referral coordinators
- Triage nurses
- Asthma educators
Newborn Nursery
On the newborn nursery rotation, interns master the newborn examination and learn about the management of common newborn problems such as jaundice, maternal drug exposure and withdrawal and lactation difficulties. Interns will learn how to give thorough anticipatory guidance counseling and to perform circumcisions prior to discharge.
There are usually two to three residents in the NBN each month taking care of an average of 25 patients each day. There is no overnight call. Interns will be asked to help with “Mommy call,” a phone triage service from the Pediatric ambulatory clinic.
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
On their NICU rotation, the interns will learn about the stark differences and similarities of neonatal critical care as compared to the Pediatric and Medical Intensive Care. They will see approximately 8-10 infants with a wide range of pathologies such as:
- Extreme prematurity
- Respiratory distress syndrome
- Hypoglycemia
- Sepsis
- Potentially genetic abnormalities
- Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
- Possibly gastroschisis or omphalocele
They will learn evidence-based guidelines of preventative care in prematurity (cranial ultrasounds, eye exams, fortified formula and more) and review the nutritional differences and requirements for premature infants from certified nutritionists that round with the team.
They will also attend high-risk deliveries and participate in neonatal resuscitation.
Pediatric Emergency Room
While working in a busy pediatric ER rotation, they will care for a wide range of pediatric acute care illnesses such as acute asthma exacerbations, concussions, and acute gastroenteritis and participate in the acute stabilization of pediatric patients who are brought to our trauma bay.
During 15 twelve-hour shifts, they are also able to perform a wide variety of procedures including lumbar punctures, intubations, incision and drainages and laceration repair.
Medical Teaching Service (MTS)
There are three Medical Teaching Service ward teams, one staffed by infectious disease attendings and two that are staffed by the Prisma Health hospitalists. Each team consists of two senior residents and two interns.
Alternating every four days, one of the senior residents completes a 6 p.m. overnight admitting shift with a separate nightshift intern (not on your team). Each intern is generally responsible for five to 10 general medicine patients including both floor and non-ventilated ICU patients.
We are responsible for admitting and caring for all our internal medicine clinic patients. Since we have an “open” ICU, interns will accrue plenty of experience caring for the critically ill patients in the ICU during their two internal medicine wards months and Pulmonary Teaching Service months. The intern is also responsible for returning triage phone calls from the internal medicine clinic overnight.
Pulmonary Teaching Service (PTS)
PTS is an admitting and consult service for all hospitalized patients attended by Prisma Health Pulmonary Disease Associates (PDA) Pulmonary/Critical Care attendings. The teams consist of one to two senior residents and four PTS interns, and the senior resident(s) will coordinate rounds and help triage admissions (of PDA patients exclusively) and consults between two and three daytime interns. The nightshift intern will rotate every week.
Interns will focus on the management of mainly specific pulmonary problems such as acute respiratory failure, COPD exacerbation, community acquired pneumonia, lung nodules, lung cancer, pleural effusions and learn about basic ventilator management.
They will also be consulted for specific interventions such a thoracentesis for a large pleural effusion and a bronchoscopy for mucus plugging. They will have the opportunity to complete procedures such as thoracenteses, intubations and central line placements. Interns will also work closely with the Critical Care upper-levels overnight to help triage overnight admissions and consults.
Adult Emergency
During our emergency medicine rotation, interns primarily work in the adult Critical Care Emergency Room (CCER) where they triage, stabilize and treat a wide variety of patients. They will also spend some time in the Intermediate Care Unit and Chest Pain Center Unit. They will also have the ability to perform an array of procedures such as intubations, central line and peripheral line placements and arterial blood gases.
Ambulatory Internal Medicine Clinic
Interns on our ambulatory medicine rotation will work primarily at the Medicine Center Clinics, seeing patients at longitudinal continuity appointments and episodic triage visits. They will also gain amazing experience by rotating through a myriad of specialty clinics supervised by subspecialists such as:
- Congestive Heart Failure Clinic
- Cardiology Teaching Service Clinic
- Nephrology Clinic
- GI Clinic
- Hepatitis Clinic
- Pulmonary/Sleep Clinic
- Ophthalmology Clinic
- Psychiatry Clinic
- Neurology Clinic
- Pain Management Clinic
There will also be a regular clinic didactic series in the morning or at lunch. Residents are encouraged to perform one scholar project whether it be completing specific clinic online modules or a quality improvement project.
On the Geriatric rotation, interns will spend most of their time at a Geriatric outpatient healthcare center (The Cascades, The Cottages or Laurel Baye) and participate in the care for a wide array of Geriatric patients in acute rehabilitation and long-term care settings. They will perform the initial comprehensive assessment of many new patients.
Our PGY-2 year is marked by the intern’s transition to senior resident.
They will be expected to grow into team leaders who teach and mentor new interns as well as triaging patients appropriately. This year is balanced well with several resident-chosen electives, whose descriptions you can find below.
Senior residents also perform six rigorous inpatient months – two critical care months (Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and Adult Critical Care) and four ward months (two medicine wards and two pediatric wards).
Our residents do not have any “intern” months in the second year of residency. Our internship is 12 months long and the second year is designed to give progressive levels of autonomy as supervisory residents in both the internal medicine and pediatric settings.
Unique Features
- Learning firsthand what “sick” looks like: To ensure that our residents are fully prepared to manage the sickest patients as a supervisory resident on our ward teams, the PGY-2’s will always have a categorical ICU month scheduled before their first month where they will assume the upper-level role on their respective categorical wards. They will learn what “sick” looks like, how to confidently handle this and triage appropriately. Example: Critical Care Teaching Service (CCTS – Internal Medicine) scheduled before Medicine Teaching Service (MTS) and PICU before pediatric wards.
- Upper-level transition meeting by the Chief resident: Before starting their second year, the Chief resident meets with the interns individually exploring their fears, running through true, difficult upper-level scenarios (triaging admissions, dealing with struggling learners, teaching, running codes, critical care rotations and death/dying) and reviewing common procedure pitfalls and the components of the central line kits.
Required Rotations
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)
Second-year residents will rotate with one to two other Med-Peds or Peds residents in a closed, 12-bed Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. The hours are stable and set from 6 a.m. – 6 p.m. An upper-level covers all weeknights, all-day Saturday and Sunday night coverage. Usually, the weekends are split by those on the rotation where two of the residents get Saturday off.
This is a rewarding month where the residents will see a variety of patients ranging from patients with new-onset diabetic ketoacidosis, ingestion/overdose, non-accidental trauma, septic shock and ENT and Neurosurgery post-operative patients. Our wonderful PICU attendings are available and willing to help if there are any medical concerns or questions day or night.
Pediatric Wards (Two Blocks)
See summary in PGY-1 year. Our residents will be:
- Assuming a leadership role
- Helping triage possible admission
- Teaching
- Mentoring
- Helping coordinate the flow of rounds
Ambulatory Pediatric Clinic/Hematology-Oncology Nights
This is an excellent inpatient/outpatient hybrid rotation. The residents spend two weeks in Pediatric Clinic seeing continuity well-care visits as well as triage sick visits and two weeks on Hematology-Oncology Nights in the inpatient setting serving as the “third” senior resident, admitting Hem/Onc patients for their service but also helping if the Pediatric Ward team is overwhelmed with multiple admissions and/or NBN concerns simultaneously. Most residents alternate weeks so they do not have two weeks in a row on a night schedule.
Developmental Pediatrics and Behavioral Medicine
This is a refreshing outpatient rotation at our nearby Patewood Hospital campus where we work with Behavioral Medicine Specialists to see a variety of pathology of which our residents have limited experience such as the management of:
- Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
- Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)
- Intellectual disabilities
Residents learn firsthand the complexity of this interdisciplinary field often involving medicine, psychology, neurology, therapists, families and schools.
Critical Care Teaching Service (CCTS)
During this rigorous intensive care rotation, our new PGY-2s will:
- Run codes in the hospital
- Manage patients in the intensive care unit
- Become facile with managing the mechanical ventilator
- Conduct family meetings to discuss goals of care and patient end-of-life preferences
- Learn to perform multiple procedures (central lines, arterial lines, thoracenteses, endotracheal intubation)
By this time, after medicine wards (with open ICUs) and Pulmonary Teaching Service, the residents feel comfortable in the ICU. There are no calls greater than 24 hours and our residents will work on a new, five resident, shift schedule that was first implemented during the 2015-2016 academic year.
Medicine Teaching Service (MTS) (Two Blocks)
See summary in PGY-1 year. The only difference is that our residents will be:
- Assuming a leadership role
- Helping triage possible admissions
- Teaching
- Mentoring
- Helping coordinate the flow of rounds
Elective Rotations
In the PGY-2 year, our residents may choose one or two Internal Medicine electives and one or two Pediatric electives. Below is a brief description of the some of our commonly chosen electives. Our residents also have the freedom to choose international of away rotation electives.
Internal Medicine Electives
Adult Infectious Disease
This four-week rotation is mainly an inpatient Infectious Disease consult experience at the Greenville Memorial Hospital, where residents complete and staff new consults and follow patients during their hospital course. Residents will also get to rotate through the nearby by primary HIV clinic where the Infectious Disease physicians work.
Adult Hematology/Oncology
This is a four-week rotation is mainly an outpatient Hematology/Oncology experience at clinical offices near the Patewood Hospital Campus and at Greenville Memorial Hospital but occasionally will be asked to do inpatient consults. should say This four-week rotation is 2 weeks inpatient and 2 weeks outpatient is an Adult Hematology experience at clinical offices near the Patewood Hospital Campus and at Greenville Memorial Hospital.
Adult Neurology
This is a four-week rotation that is primarily an inpatient rotation where residents will complete and staff new consults and follow patients during their hospital course. They will see a variety of pathologies such as cerebral vascular accidents, altered mental status of uncertain etiology and status epilepticus.
Procedures (4 weeks)
This is a fun, self-driven internal medicine rotation that is usually done by PGY-4s lasting four weeks. Residents make themselves available to the Medical, Critical Care and Pulmonary teaching services to complete any needed procedures to accrue and perfect these experiences prior to graduation or a Critical Care month.
Sports Medicine
This is a four-week rotation that is mainly an outpatient Sports Medicine experience at the Patewood or Hillcrest Hospital campuses. Residents will evaluate new patients with common musculoskeletal complaints, rotate through the evening Steadman Hawkins Shift clinic at the Patewood Campus and also attend local sporting events with Sports Medicine physicians. Residents learn the basic physical exam maneuvers and signs of the shoulder, hip, knee and ankle joints and will be able to participate in knee joint therapeutic injections and possible aspiration.
Adult Nephrology
This four-week rotation is a combination inpatient/outpatient endocrinology rotation. Residents will see patients in the endocrinology outpatient clinic across the street from the Greenville Memorial Hospital and if there are interesting hospital consults called in (ex: possible adrenal crisis, thyrotoxicosis, DKA) in the afternoon, the residents will complete and staff these new consults. You will also get to rotate through the endocrinology subspecialty clinic affiliated with your Medicine Center Clinics weekly.
Adult Endocrinology
This four-week rotation is a combination inpatient/outpatient Endocrinology rotations. Residents will see patients in the Endocrinology outpatient clinic across the street from the Greenville Memorial Hospital and if there are interesting hospital consults called in (ex: possible adrenal crisis, thyrotoxicosis, DKA) in the afternoon, the residents will complete and staff these new consults. You will also get to rotate through the Endocrinology subspecialty clinic affiliated with your Medicine Center Clinics weekly.
Adult Gastroenterology
This is a four-week rotation is mainly an inpatient Gastroenterology Consult should say This four-week rotation is 2 weeks inpatient and 2 weeks outpatient Gastroenterology Consult (ex: Inflammatory bowel disease flare, hematemesis, hematochezia/melena) and follow patients during their hospital course. Residents will be able to watch endoscopies and colonoscopies in the inpatient setting and will also rotate through the Nephrology subspecialty clinic affiliated with your Medicine Center Clinics weekly.
Pulmonary Disease Associates
This is a four-week outpatient Pulmonary rotation working with the Pulmonary Disease Associates, the same group of attendings that work on the inpatient Critical Care Teaching Service. This is located on the beautiful Patewood Hospital Campus. Residents will help manage common pulmonary and sleep complaints such as COPD, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Pulmonary hypertension, and Asthma.
This is a two-week outpatient Dermatology rotation at a local outpatient Dermatology office that can be paired with another two weeks of a typically four-week elective rotation. Residents will evaluate new patients and help see continuity visits learning about common dermatology complaints such as acne, psoriasis, skin cancer, etc.
Pediatric Electives
Pediatric Allergy/Immunology
This rotation is a four-week outpatient Allergy/Immunology experience where residents will evaluate new patients and help see follow-up visits learning about common allergy/immunology complaints such as severe allergic rhinitis and eczema, urticaria, and severe food allergies.
Pediatric Cardiology
This is a four-week outpatient Cardiology experience where residents rotate at the Patewood campus specialty clinic and evaluate new patients and help see follow-up visits learning about common Pediatric cardiology complaints: new murmur evaluation, syncope, repaired congenital heart disease.
Pediatric Endocrinology
This is a four-week outpatient Endocrinology experience where residents rotate at the Patewood campus specialty clinic and evaluate new patients and help see follow-up visits learning about common Endocrinology complaints: Type 1 and 2 Diabetes, hypo- and hyperthyroidism, panhypopituitarism.
Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
Summarized in PGY1 curriculum summary. This rotation is also available as an elective for those who want more experience in pediatric oncology.
Pediatric Neurology
This is a four-week outpatient Neurology experience where residents rotate at the Patewood campus specialty clinic and evaluate new patients and help see follow-up visits learning about common Neuro complaints: seizures, migraine headaches, tics.
Pediatric Nephrology
This rotation is a four-week outpatient Nephrology experience where residents rotate at the Patewood campus specialty clinic and evaluate new patients and help see follow-up visits learning about common Nephro complaints: chronic kidney disease, nephrotic or nephritic syndromes.
Pediatric Rheumatology
This rotation is a four-week outpatient Rheumatology experience where residents rotate at the Patewood campus specialty clinic and evaluate new patients and help see follow-up visits learning about common Rheumatology complaints: joint pain evaluation, JIA, SLE.
Pediatric Infectious Disease
This rotation is a four-week inpatient/outpatient infectious experience. Residents will complete and staff new consults and follow patients during their hospital course during their 1-2 weeks in the inpatient setting. During their outpatient portion, residents will rotate at the Patewood campus specialty clinic, evaluate new patients and help see follow-up visits learning about common Nephro complaints: chronic kidney disease, nephrotic or nephritic syndromes.
Pediatric Gastroenterology
This rotation is a four-week outpatient Gastroenterology experience where residents rotate at the Patewood campus specialty clinic, evaluate new patients and help see follow-up visits learning about common GI complaints: chronic abdominal pain, constipation, IBD, celiac, eosinophilic esophagitis (EE). We also get to see our patient’s endoscopies and colonoscopies to see firsthand the GI manifestations of IBD, EE, and Celiac.
This rotation is a four-week outpatient Genetics experience where residents rotate at their specialty clinic off Edgewood drive near the Greenville Hospital. Residents evaluate new patients and help see follow-up visits learning about multiple genetic syndromes and associations. If there is a rare consult in the hospital, the resident will complete and staff those in the hospital.
Forensics/Child Abuse
This is an important, unique outpatient experience. The residents will rotate at several nearby outpatient facilities – Pendleton Place, Julie Valentine center, etc. – and learn about forensic Pediatrics such as the red flag signs, symptoms, and history that suggest child abuse. Residents will also have the opportunity to complete and staff new consults in the hospital if available.
Our PGY-3 is an excellent year marked by two notable upper-level challenges (Pulmonary Teaching Service and PICU nights) and our first “field trip” to South Carolina American College of Physicians (ACP) conference in the fall.
Unique Features
- Fall ACP Conference
Residents will have the opportunity to present a case (oral or poster), original quality improvement (QI) or research project at the conference. Both the Internal Medicine and Med-Peds departments have frequently won awards in the poster presentation, oral presentation and original research/QI project categories - Upper-level challenges in the ICU
Pulmonary Teaching Service on Internal Medicine and PICU nights - Career Planning Spring Workshops
PGY-4s share their wisdom accrued along their job search and tips on career planning. The chief resident, program coordinator, program director work hard to ensure high-yield lectures often from Med-Peds faculty during these afternoon-long Fall and Spring workshops. This is particularly geared toward our PGY-1-PGY-3s so they will try to career plan early! The department of medicine also offers a hospital-wide ‘Business of Medicine” seminar to offer helpful tips for running a successful practice. - Med-Peds Combined Conferences: Each PGY-3 will be responsible for giving a mid-day lecture on a topic that spans both Pediatrics and Internal Medicine to both categorical residency groups. This is a very popular, well-attended conference that delves into the evidence-based guidelines and literature surrounding a topic. Example: Celiac Disease or Cystic Fibrosis
Required Rotations
Pulmonary Teaching Service (PTS)
Summarized in the PGY-1 Curriculum. As an upper-level, residents will be leading a team of four interns on a rigorous consult and admit ICU service. Coordinating rounds, mentoring interns and triaging appropriately is challenging. Reassuringly, there is a Critical Care/Pulmonary attending in the hospital all day and night available for questions, concerns or help at any time.
Cardiology Teaching Service (CTS)
This is another inpatient Teaching Service, separate from MTS and PTS. On CTS, residents will do new consults, complete admissions and follow patients with common Cardiology pathology:
- ST-elevation MI
- unstable angina
- CHF exacerbations
- Severe valvular dysfunction
The residents will also be required to do a didactic CTS presentation for the residents and course coordinator at the end of the rotation.
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) Nights /Surgery Clinic
This is a unique hybrid rotation of two weeks of PICU nights from 6 p.m. – 6 a.m. during the week and Sunday evening and two weeks of outpatient Surgery clinic. On PICU nights, residents complete PICU admissions and manage the ICU with close direction by the PICU attending on call.
They are available by phone or text and will drive back to Greenville Memorial Hospital if any difficult admissions or situation arise. At 6 a.m., you will give overnight checkout about the patients and new admissions to the daytime residents. On Surgery clinic, residents will evaluate new clinic patients and see follow-up continuity visits in multiple subspecialty clinics such as Neurosurgery, Orthopedic, General and Vascular Surgery.
Adolescent Medicine
On this rotation, the resident will learn about the unique challenges and pathology of adolescent medicine through seeing adolescent and young adult patients in a variety of settings throughout our community. Residents will see patients in our adolescent medicine clinics at the Center for Pediatric Medicine and at our North Greenville office for primary and urgent care services. In addition, they will see adolescent patients in a variety of other settings, including a juvenile detention center, an adolescent gynecology office, orthopedic urgent care, a behavioral health clinic, and school-based health programs.
Additional Rotations
Medicine Teaching Service (MTS) - see PGY-1 Year
Ambulatory Pediatric Clinic- see PGY-1 Year
Pediatric Wards- see PGY-1 Year
Neonatal Intensive Care- see PGY-1 Year
Elective Rotations
PGY-3 residents may again choose from any of the electives listed under PGY-2 Year. Residents typically have one to two electives in both internal medicine and pediatrics in the PGY-3 year. In addition, residents may also choose to do an away rotation to help with career planning or an international health rotation in the third year.
PGY-4 is the last year of the Med-Peds program. The chief resident works closely with the PGY-4 residents to design a schedule tailored to their career path, whether it’s a hospitalist, outpatient or fellowship career.
The residents will obtain a glimpse into the life a hospitalist during the Greer Med-Peds hospitalist rotation, go on their second and last “field trip” to the annual South Carolina – American Academy of Pediatrics summer conference and have numerous teaching and mentoring opportunities during this bittersweet but exciting final year. They are also eligible to rotate through any one of our multiple Med-Peds outpatient practices in the Greenville, Wren and Simpsonville area.
Unique Features
- Greer Med-Peds Hospitalist Rotation
The Greer Memorial Hospital is managed almost entirely by Med-Peds hospitalists and many alumni of the GMH Med-Peds program - Multiple Med-Peds Outpatient Clinics
If interested in outpatient Med-Peds, residents can have the opportunity to rotate through the Heritage Med-Peds practices (Wren or Simpsonville) and the Prisma Health Pediatrics and Internal Medicine practice (Greenville) - Summer AAP Conference
Residents will have the opportunity to present an original quality improvement (QI) or research project at the conference. Both the Pediatric and Med-Peds departments have frequently walked away with frequent AAP poster awards for original research and QI projects - Teaching and Mentoring Opportunities
The PGY-4 residents will serve as the Pediatric Clinic Chief resident for one month, helping with clinic didactic lectures to the residents and medical students. They will also give two important lectures:- An evidence-based medicine Med-Peds noon conference
- A Pediatric Morning Report
- Tailoring your schedule to your specialty with the help of the Med-Peds chief resident
Required Rotations
Greer Med-Peds Hospitalist Rotation
PGY-4 residents will essentially pull all their honed clinic skills together during this challenging and exciting rotation. They will round and complete Medicine and Pediatric admissions and consults at the beautiful Greer Memorial Hospital following a 7 a.m.-7 p.m. hospitalist schedule during the week with weekends off. To learn about timely disposition, they will work closely with:
- Medical coders
- Social work
- Case management
- Physical therapy
Residents will have the opportunity to do a variety of procedures on the Medicine wards and circumcisions in the Newborn Nursery. You will attend all high-risk deliveries and C-sections and practice your neonatal resuscitation skills.
Critical Care Teaching Service (CCTS)
Summarized in the PGY-2 curriculum. The last CCTS rotation.
Ambulatory Pediatric Clinic Chief
During this rotation, residents will serve as “Clinic Chief.” The chief coordinates the morning didactic lectures to the residents and medical students, precepts medical students as they see their afternoon clinics, and reviews “Mommy calls” (discussed in PGY-1 curriculum). With the help of the precepting attendings, they also try to establish good patient flow through the clinic by helping residents in clinic who are falling behind or have patients waiting. During this month, they will also lead a Pediatric Morning Report based on a case they have selected and work four-to-five night clinic shifts at the Rapid Access Pediatric clinic (RAP). This is a full but rewarding month.
Elective Rotations
PGY-4 residents typically have two to three electives in both pediatrics and internal medicine. Residents often choose electives in the fourth year to meet individual career learning goals, such as more experience with procedures, sports medicine, ambulatory Med-Peds or behavioral health. Many of our residents have participated in international health rotations in their fourth year as well.