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OB/GYN Residency Greenville - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

GME statement on diversity, equity and inclusion

As South Carolina’s largest private, non-profit health care system, we recognize our responsibility to the community. Our graduate medical education programs are committed to training a physician workforce that is ready to meet the needs of our community. Each trainee within our system is a valued member of our team whose unique perspectives and experiences are respected, and their voices encouraged.    


The graduate medical education programs of Prisma Health are committed to fostering a safe, supportive and inclusive clinical learning environment for our trainees, faculty, staff, and all who come through our doors. We recognize that our diversity is one of our greatest assets in training clinically excellent and culturally competent physicians. It is imperative to acknowledge systems of privilege and disparity and to address and improve the resulting inequities in our healthcare system and community. We pledge to create and maintain a system in which all perspectives are valued and respected for the greater good of our community of learners and the patients we serve.   


We will establish a culture of equity and justice by creating an environment of community, inquiry and accountability. We will be deliberate in our efforts to promote unity and recruit a diverse workforce that can reflect the diversity of our communities. We will listen to and collaborate with people in our institution and our community to better educate ourselves and others. We will advocate for unrepresented and marginalized communities to ensure every person feels empowered with a sense of belonging and dignity. 

Core values

  • Education – Our teaching hospitals and faculty will cultivate an environment of curiosity and provide trainees with the necessary educational foundation to deliver high-quality health care, especially for complex and vulnerable patients. 
  • Justice – Our programs will continue to support initiatives to dismantle the barriers and systemic challenges that affect our ability to provide healthcare to our community. 
  • Community engagement – We will actively seek to partner with, listen to, and learn from our community stakeholders. Together we can better understand the challenges that they face and collaborate to develop solutions.
  • Advocacy – We understand that the policies and conditions where in our patients live, work and socialize affect their overall health, risks and outcomes. We hope to foster a sense of responsibility within our trainees to use their privilege to advocate for marginalized communities and address systemic inequalities.

URiM away rotation scholarship

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Prisma Health in Greenville, SC is pleased to offer a scholarship-funded away rotation for up to two students who are from racial/ethnic groups that have been historically excluded and are underrepresented in medicine (URiM).