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Pediatrics Residency Greenville - Career Development

Career Development

Building a career in pediatrics extends far beyond the clinical training of residency and the knowledge needed to pass the boards. Pediatric physicians also become leaders in their field, educators, advocates, and researchers, in addition to cultivating their personal and family lives. Residents are encouraged to explore these interests through involvement in clinical research and quality improvement projects, our longitudinal advocacy curriculum, teaching opportunities, and international rotations.Our goal is to nurture a resident interest in these areas through faculty mentorship and program support.

Alumni Panels

Each December, we bring together groups of our residency alumni to offer advice and perspective on the transition from residency to the next career stage - including private practice, inpatient medicine, academic medicinge, and fellowships. These open forum panels allow residents to ask questions about job hunting, fellowship applications and interviews, and what skills / experiences they need to maximize before finishing residency. 

Residency to Practice GME Conference Series

The Prisma Health GME office hosts an annual conference series open to residents from all specialties that is dedicated to professional development and transition into practice. Recent sessions have included topics such as Documentation in practice, CV development and Promotions, Contract Negotiations, navigating HR, Malpractice, Student Loans / Debt Management, and Financial Planning / Investing. 

Fellowship and Subspecialty Liaison

Greenville residents get early exposure to subspecialties and have an excellent track record of successful pediatric subspecialty matches. In 2017, Dr. Sudha Garimella joined the residency team to provide additional assistance to residents preparing for and applying to fellowship programs. Prior to joining Prisma Health, Dr. Garimella helped lead the Pediatric Nephrology Fellowship at SUNY Buffalo. She is also an actively funded researcher, pursuing projects including biomarkers for obesity related chronic kidney disease. Dr. Garimella acts as a resource to residents in identifying both internal and external subspecialty mentors, developing subspecialty research and quality improvement projects, grant and manuscript submission, as well as CV and fellowship application planning.