Research Data Services and Data Support Core
The Prisma Health Data Support Core (DSC) is the official pathway data related research and investigator-initiated quality improvement projects from Prisma Health. The DSC can support the following:
- Study design.
- Preliminary study consultation.
- Power analysis, sample size.
- Data preparatory to research.
- Dataset creation through data request/data extraction.
- Data analysis.
Research and quality improvement requirements for data
Use and disclosure of Protected Health Information (PHI) for research is permitted pending proper regulatory and administrative approvals. The HRPP and/or IRB is responsible for the regulatory reviews and approvals related to research. Additionally, all research involving data will require and administrative approval before data will be provided or used to conduct research and quality improvement projects. Data leaving the health system for research and/or quality improvement projects (e.g. registries) may require the execution of a data sharing or data use agreement.
Data availability
Prisma Health has multiple sources of data and engages in many national registries. However, not all sources of data and registries are permitted for the use of research. Quality improvement projects may be developed, but also will require the proper approvals.
Questions on data sources for research purposes should be directed to the Data Support Core.
Data Consultation and Approval Request
Tools and resources
- ICD-10 and CPT Code Lookup – In order to generate a dataset faster from some clinical records, it is helpful for investigators to identify the ICD-10 or CPT codes associated to the diagnoses and/or procedures under investigation. Some departments have coders who may help investigators determine what codes are needed, or investigators can utilize this tool to look up codes.
- Prospective Design Research Protocol Template
- Retrospective Design Research Protocol Template
- Not sure which basic design to select? Click here for a descriptive overview.
- Data Profile Generator – A tool for researchers to succinctly document the data elements and variables needed for research. This can be used during the brainstorm of variables needed and can be used to help document the final variables needed for the study design.
- Data Preparatory to Research – IRB approval form; contact IRB.
Contact us
Alex Ewing, PhD
Director, Data Support Core
Prisma Health